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 •  7 May 2024  • 7 min read



Hey there, amazing women of all ages! Today, let’s dive into a topic that’s a bit hush-hush but oh-so-crucial: our periods. We all know that menstruation is a natural part of being a woman, but what happens when Aunt Flo decides to throw us a curveball? Fear not, because we’re going to delve into the world of irregular periods with the caring expertise of our MSI Wellness Clinic, here with you every step of the way.

The Symphony of Menstruation

Picture this: your monthly visitor arrives, bringing its usual baggage of cramps, mood swings, and chocolate cravings. But what if this symphony starts playing off-key? Irregular periods, heavy flows, or perhaps, it’s a total no-show from Aunt Flo, we’ve all been there… so don’t fret, you’re not alone and it’s time to unravel the mysteries together.

Unpacking the Menstrual Mystery

Part 1: Decoding the length of periods

The length of your menstrual overture…it’s like trying to predict the duration of a song, and sometimes it feels like the melody is playing on a loop. Let’s try to understand this:

  • ‘Shortened periods’, typically lasting round 3 days, can be influenced by factors such as stress, extreme exercise, or changes in weight. Your body might be signalling that it needs a moment to recalibrate.
  • On the flip side, the ‘extended period’ is when your period is taking its sweet time, lasting 7 days or more, it could be due to hormonal imbalances, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), or thyroid irregularities. Fear not – the specialists at MSI Wellness Clinic unravel the complexities, providing tailored solutions to bring your menstrual masterpiece back to a more harmonious length.
  • ‘The no-show periods’ is when your period decides to play the silent card and doesn’t show up at all. A no-show period can be a cause for concern and may be linked to pregnancy, extreme stress, sudden weight changes, or underlying health conditions.
  • The unexpected ‘early arrivals periods’ want to kick off the show before the expected date?Let’s explore the reasons behind premature arrivals – whether it’s stress, hormonal imbalances, and even lifestyle factors (change in weight, shift in your sleep patterns, changes in your exercise routine etc.).
  • And then there’s the ‘fashionably late period’, which can feel like a suspenseful plot twist. Is it stress, pregnancy, or something else?
  • ‘Between the acts periods’ is when you experience spotting between periods and it’s not uncommon, but understanding why it happens is crucial. The potential causes can range from hormonal fluctuations to changes in birth control methods.

Several factors can influence the delicateness of your menstrual cycle, each playing a distinct role in the overall performance. Medications, such as certain contraceptives or changes in prescription drugs, may subtly alter the hormonal script, impacting the timing and characteristics of your period. But stress, my oh my! When it takes the centre stage, it disrupts the harmonious rhythm of your menstrual cycle and, at times, prompting an early or irregular appearance. It can even lead to other symptoms you may experience during your menstrual cycle, let’s talk about pain.

Part 2: Navigating the painful symptoms

Painful periods – a symphony of discomfort that no one enjoys…but let’s chat about what is considered ‘normal’ pain as compared to abnormal period pain where you require medical help.

  1. Understanding menstrual pain

Menstrual pain, also known as dysmenorrhea, is a common aspect of a woman’s menstrual cycle. However, it’s essential to distinguish between typical discomfort and pain that may signal an underlying issue. Normal menstrual cramps usually occur in the lower abdomen and pelvis and are often manageable with over-the-counter pain relievers and heat therapy.

  • Decoding abnormal pain

While some discomfort is part of the course, severe or debilitating pain is not. If your menstrual pain reaches a point where it interferes with your daily life, it’s time to seek guidance. Our experts at MSI Wellness Clinic can help decode abnormal pain, identifying potential causes such as endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), or uterine fibroids.

  • Unmasking other symptoms

Painful periods can be accompanied by a variety of symptoms over and above menstrual cramps, ranging from headaches and nausea to fatigue and digestive issues. Recognizing these symptoms is crucial in determining whether your discomfort falls within the realm of normal or requires further attention.

While the intricacies of the menstrual journey are unique to each woman, what are some of the key signs that may indicate it’s time to seek help?

  • Your menstrual cycle is irregular, and you’ve experienced missed periods or a complete absence of menses.
  • Your periods are significantly longer or shorter than your usual rhythm.
  • You experience intense and disruptive pain during menstruation.
  • Unexpected bleeding occurs between your regular periods.
  • Menstruation symptoms, such as headaches and mood swings, become challenging to manage in the weeks leading up to your periods.
  • Your first menstruation starts either earlier or later than the average age range of 12 to 16 years old.

Now that you know the ropes of what might be a bit offbeat in your period, if you’re nodding along and thinking, “Yep, that’s me!”— it’s your cue to step up, take the reins, and bring back the good vibes to your menstrual health. Let’s reclaim that harmony, shall we?

Our team of experts at MSI is here for you, from missed periods to heavy flows, we’ve seen it all. More importantly, we offer you a safe space to talk about any of your menstrual concerns, and we hold your hand through the necessary tests that you may require. Our mission? To help you reclaim control over your menstrual cycle.

Our comprehensive service package is designed to empower women at every stage of their menstrual journey and includes:

  • A personalised menstrual counselling session, providing a supportive space to discuss and address a variety of menstrual concerns, from painful cramps to irregular menses.
  • With the inclusion of an ultrasound scan and blood tests, we employ advanced diagnostics to delve deeper into the root causes of irregularities, ensuring a thorough understanding of your unique physiology.
  • Our expert team not only offers invaluable advice on lifestyle changes but also provides tailored treatments to enhance your overall well-being.
  • Moreover, we go beyond counselling by facilitating referrals to specialists for further tests and treatments if a potential medical condition is identified.

Conclusion: Empowerment through Understanding

Ladies, embracing your menstrual journey is about more than just surviving those monthly surprises. It’s about understanding your body, taking control, and living life to the fullest. At MSI, we are here to support you every step of the way. So, if your period is throwing you for a loop or you’ve noticed something unusual, don’t hesitate – book your menstruation counselling session with us today, and take charge of your menstrual journey.

Remember, your period might be a monthly visitor, but you should be the one in charge. Here’s to embracing our unique journeys and empowering each other along the way!

