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MSI Nepal are a leading network of caring professionals delivering sexual and reproductive health services. Call us on 1143.

Our services

Safe abortion and post abortion services

We Specializes in safe abortion along with counselling and provide post abortion family planning services.

Services available

Emergency Contraception

We offer emergency contraception method.

Services available

Family planning services

We offer a wide range of short and long term contraception and family planning methods.

Services available

Maternal and child health services

We provide comprehensive services that focus on maternal health and children’s well-being.

Services available

General health services

We support women and men of all ages to stay fit and healthy through our range of services and products.

Services available

Cervical cancer screening and treatment

We offer cervical cancer screening and treatment services.

Services available

Sexual and reproductive health services

We offer range of services to women from menstrual to menopause stages.

Services available

Other Services

We offer wide range of sexual and reproductive healthcare services for men, women and young people.

Services available

Well Woman Packages

Women’s health is at the heart of our mission. That’s why we’re dedicated to ensuring that all women have access to the best care, regardless of age or stage, and we’re here to make healthcare choices affordable and accessible. By educating, testing and managing any gynaecological health conditions, we ensure that you’re always ready to show up. Whatever your stage or status, our gynaecological check-ups will give you the confidence to live the life you deserve.

Services available

Find the best family planning method for you

Our counsellor will help you understand the best contraception methods for you based on your lifestyle, preferences and medical circumstances.

  • Personalised advice in a few minutes
  • Tailored pros and cons for each method
  • Ability to compare different methods

About us

At the heart of all our work is our mission to build a world where every birth is wanted and where women can have children by choice and not by chance.

Holiday List 2081 BS (2024 – 2025 AD)