MS Ladies
We deliver comprehensive family planning services to rural population and to extend our reach further

Taking our services to where people need them.
MS Ladies are trained midwives or nurses dedicated to offering family planning services in underserved, densely-populated and hard to reach areas.
MS Ladies come from rural communities in Nepal, with each lady dedicated to a specific area. They visit clients in their homes and at community centres, providing counselling, family planning services and follow-up care, as well as referring clients where necessary. MS ladies are able to bring services to clients who may not have the means to travel for services. They are one of our most successful ways to reach women who are poor, young, living in restrictive environments.

MS Ladies: Services
Client centric care
Location should not get in the way of people accessing the care and information they need
MS Ladies are trained service providers from the local community, who work from home or visit clients in their homes. MS Ladies operate in specific catchment areas, providing high quality contraception services. They are one of our most successful means of reaching women who are poor, young, living in restrictive environments, or not using any form of contraception.

What can you always expect
Providing our clients with information to make informed choice.
We treat every woman as our own family member – politely, considerately and with the utmost respect. We provide them with clear, accurate information about our services, so that they can make informed decisions. Being honest, trustworthy and always protecting people’s confidentiality is our priority.
Get in touch
We offer clear, comprehensive information and personalized advice on which options might best fit your lifestyle and needs. Chat with us using Viber or imo on +9779851202816 and for WhatsApp +9779847695248.
Find our locations that offer safe abortion, contraception and family planning services.
Other ways to access our services
Find out more about our other service delivery approaches: Marie Stopes centres and mobile clinical outreach teams.

Our clinics
We currently have 36 centres. These centres provide a wide range of sexual and reproductive health services.

Our outreach
Our outreach teams deliver services across 9 districts; Kavre, Morang, Saptari, Mahottari, Makwanpur, Parsa, Nawalparasi, Kapilvastu and Dailekh. In addition to this, we are working in 4 districts; Baitadi, Rolpa, Rukum, Okhaldhunga under an UNFPA project.

Contact centre
Our contact centre known as Meri Saathi is national helpline number providing counselling on sexual and reproductive health.
Learn more about our services.
Find out more about the services we offer and their availability across Nepal.