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Experiencing uncertainty about the transformations occurring in your body or your child’s body who is of age 10-19? No need for concern; we’re here to provide you with insights into these changes that are taking place.

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Night Fall 

Night fall is very Biological changes that is addressed by Youths and Adolescent Boys. Boys might be confused and scared when it occurs.  It is in other terms also known as Involuntary Ejaculation. It is a normal process of development which does not have adverse effect on the physical and mental aspect of an individual. It occurs when the genitals are stimulated during sleep because of a sexual dream and because boys start to produce more testosterone (male hormone).  


Masturbation is an activity done to stimulate the genital areas of one’s own or your sexual partner. It involves touching, rubbing, or caressing one’s Genital Areas. It is a common behavior among many people, and there is no inherent harm to their physical or mental health.  Maintaining hygiene during masturbation is important to prevent the risk of infection and ensure overall health. Proper hygiene helps to minimize the introduction of harmful bacteria or pathogens into the genital area, reducing the likelihood of irritation, inflammation, or infections. Washing hands before and after the activity, using clean and non-irritating materials, and keeping the genital area clean can help prevent potential health issues. It is a sexual practice in which people of all ages, genders, and sexual orientations engage to have fun sexually and learn more about their bodies.


Menstruation is a natural process that happens to girls and women as they step into adolescent phase of their life. It occurs every month between 28-30 days and can last a few days. Menstruation occurs when body naturally discharge the blood and inner lining of uterus that forms every month in a women’s body. 

Normal menstruation occurs between every 24 to 38 days. The duration of bleeding is less than 8 days and usually 4 to 5 days. The amount of bleeding is less than 80 ml in the whole duration of menstruation. If the menstruation is different from as mentioned above, it is abnormal. Think of it as body’s way of preparing for the possibility of having a baby, and when that doesn’t happen, it cleans itself out.  

Body Image 

Body image encompasses an individual’s viewpoints, emotions, and thoughts regarding their physical appearance. This encompasses their perceptions of size, shape, features, and overall aesthetic appeal. Self-esteem, confidence, and mental well-being are profoundly influenced by one’s body image. A positive body image involves embracing and cherishing one’s own body, while a negative body image can lead to issues like depression. Therefore, it’s essential to appreciate your body and practice self-love for a healthier and happier life. 

Safe Sex  

Practicing safe sex involves being responsible and knowledgeable, about activities taking steps to reduce the potential risks that come with engaging in sexual intercourse or intimate contact. The main goals of Safe sex practice are to minimize the spread of transmitted infections (STIs) and to prevent unplanned pregnancies. One of the mediums of Safe sex practice is Condom, which is also known as the contraception which provides dual protection. 


An individual’s voluntary, well-informed, and shared permission for participating in a particular sexual activity is referred to as consent. Everyone involved must communicate actively and clearly, as well as understand and concur. Throughout sexual activity, consent must be given continuously and may be withdrawn at any time if one denies going further in any sexual activity.  

Identity Formation  

Identity formation is a complex and multifaceted process that occurs during adolescence. Adolescents are in the process of developing a sense of self and a better understanding of their place in the world. As an grows up, some might discover that the gender they feel inside doesn’t match the one they were told when they were born. They could identify as transgender, which means they feel like a different gender than what they were assigned at birth, or they might identify as non-binary, which means they don’t feel strictly like a boy or a girl. Also, they figure out who they’re attracted to romantically and sexually. This could be people of the opposite gender (heterosexual), the same gender (homosexual), both genders (bisexual), or somewhere in between (non-binary)


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Safe abortion and post abortion services

We Specializes in safe abortion along with counselling and provide post abortion family planning services.

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Emergency Contraception

We offer emergency contraception method.

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Family planning services

We offer a wide range of short and long term contraception and family planning methods.

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Maternal and child health services

We provide comprehensive services that focus on maternal health and children’s well-being.

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General health services

We support women and men of all ages to stay fit and healthy through our range of services and products.

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Cervical cancer screening and treatment

We offer cervical cancer screening and treatment services.

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Sexual and reproductive health services

We offer range of services to women from menstrual to menopause stages.

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Other Services

We offer wide range of sexual and reproductive healthcare services for men, women and young people.

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Well Woman Packages

Women’s health is at the heart of our mission. That’s why we’re dedicated to ensuring that all women have access to the best care, regardless of age or stage, and we’re here to make healthcare choices affordable and accessible. By educating, testing and managing any gynaecological health conditions, we ensure that you’re always ready to show up. Whatever your stage or status, our gynaecological check-ups will give you the confidence to live the life you deserve.

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Frequently asked questions

Managing heightened sexual desire involves self-awareness, healthy outlets, mindfulness, and communication. Engaging in physical activities, maintaining a balanced lifestyle, and communicating with your partner can help. For more Information call 1143.   

Masturbation is a normal and healthy way to explore your body and manage sexual tension. However, moderation is important to avoid potential negative effects on your daily life and relationships. Also, it is especially important to maintain hygiene during masturbation. Always Clean your genitals or anything that are used for masturbation before and after use. 

If you are experiencing a lack of sexual desire, consider factors such as stress, health, and communication. Prioritize self-care, talk openly with your partner, and consider seeking professional advice if needed. 

Sexual satisfaction varies, but open communication, emotional connection, exploring fantasies, trying new things, and prioritizing your partner’s pleasure can contribute to a fulfilling sexual experience. 

Erection issues can be caused by stress, anxiety, medical conditions, or other factors. Consulting a healthcare professional can help identify underlying causes and appropriate solutions. 

Techniques like the start-stop method, pelvic floor exercises, and relaxation techniques can help manage these issues. If persistent, consulting a doctor or therapist is advisable. 

Wet dreams are normal and a part of development. Masturbation is a personal choice and is safe. Menstruation is a natural process; maintaining hygiene and using appropriate products is essential.